Excellent research, thanks for sharing this. It was interesting to see the age for both leans elderly (50+ vs 55+); I've heard some say that breast cancer saves more younger lives, therefore deserves more research funding. This dispels that.
The prostate cancer lobby is nowhere near as powerful as the breast cancer lobby, in part because the breast cancer lobby has the backing of companies that make mammogram machines that get used annually on every woman. If there was a prostatogram machine that could be used annually for prostate screening, I’m sure the companies that made the machine would cough up dollars for prostate cancer research.
Due to the greater number of years of life lost due to breast cancer, I don't object to greater funding. But it's too much greater than most types of cancers, including cervical cancer. Luckily, a vaccine should eventually eradicate the latter.
Rate of breast cancer for women 50 and under: 50/100,000
Rate of prostate cancer for men 50 and under: around 20/100,000 (My estimate from quick look.)
Thank you Jim. This is important info, especially the details about each type of cancer and how they are remarkably similar.
Yes, I "knew" this but it's great to see the actual data presented so clearly and convincingly. Very useful. Thanks again Jim.
Thanks, Rob.
Excellent research, thanks for sharing this. It was interesting to see the age for both leans elderly (50+ vs 55+); I've heard some say that breast cancer saves more younger lives, therefore deserves more research funding. This dispels that.
The prostate cancer lobby is nowhere near as powerful as the breast cancer lobby, in part because the breast cancer lobby has the backing of companies that make mammogram machines that get used annually on every woman. If there was a prostatogram machine that could be used annually for prostate screening, I’m sure the companies that made the machine would cough up dollars for prostate cancer research.
Due to the greater number of years of life lost due to breast cancer, I don't object to greater funding. But it's too much greater than most types of cancers, including cervical cancer. Luckily, a vaccine should eventually eradicate the latter.
Rate of breast cancer for women 50 and under: 50/100,000
Rate of prostate cancer for men 50 and under: around 20/100,000 (My estimate from quick look.)