I recently talked with the development director of the small liberal arts college I attended in the 1960s. At the time it enrolled 2,000 men. It went co-ed in the last 1970s but enrollment did not rise. Enrollment this fall is 1,200. Fields of study hardest hit are the humanities--history, art, English. Dual-degree programs (3 years at a college, 2 at a nursing school, for example) are the only growing areas. Several smaller liberal arts college in the state have closed. Women's studies, soft at the center and parasitic as a revisionist humanities project (James's quote above: "programs may focus on literature, philosophy," etc.) cannot grow when core humanities disciplines are shrinking.

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Historians will look back on Womens studies programs and be baffled that we allow this indoctrination to occur. In an age of hyper-sensitivity to hate speech, its sheer hypocrisy. Heterosexual men are treated as second class citizens.

I suspect they will also be puzzled that our society, particularly men; would tolerate the poisonous and misandrist influences this indoctrination has on our culture and men in general. Hopefully, men will eventually adapt to the new reality and overcome the ingrained aversion to the perception of being a victim. If not for this generation then for the next generation coming after us. That you for your contribution to the cause.

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.

The False-Witness of men in those courses is criminal and twisted women with false-based resentment, male-fear, .., and turns Professionals into white men genocidal supporters as things like throwing away men's employment applications has been a long standing policy as many Whistle-blower testify too, leaving young men unable to collect resources to attract a mate and support a family. Men that go through such male-hating courses would be lucky if self-loathing has not increased.

Women sex information is censored - the False-rate accusations filed with police in one study reports near 80%, and Parental Fraud rate of 1/3 found in a study of 90,000 children from National Blood Bank found 30,000 had wrong father listed.

Women are not punished at all or significant in relation to his damage, and often they are rewarded. This needs to change - that lying in general should cause significant punishment for anyone that does it - and best is public pain&shame such as restrained in public park and tasered to screaming and soiling themselves, starting at 15 YO and children 13 & 14 required to observe a few every year - what a better society and better people we would have.

Modern Western womanhood exist in a state of Loveless and Sickening lawlessness, there are so many Crimes against themselves, us all, and society, nation, etc. that are now legally, socially, and self-imprudently allowed and sometimes rewarded, where once there was at least Shame - there is now unLoving Hateful destructive support.


Briffault is known for what is called Briffault's law:

"The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place." — Robert Briffault, The Mothers. Vol. I, p. 191

Women lack the old male virtue standards that we were raised to, and how society and we judge ourselves.

Hypergamy, typical monkey-branching to a 'better' man, again male-virtue such as honor and staying with man that provided and defended cannot be expected.


What else? So many things about the sexes are not covered or twisted lied about to make her a programmed Golem of self and men's destruction - lives of horror, suffering, isolation, Poison-thoughts and worse.


God Bless., Steve

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I would love to see the data for 2020-2022. I am guessing it would be a downward trend.

Thanks for pulling this together! Interesting data and surprising and heartening there are so few degrees.

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