Dr Nuzzo,

I really enjoyed this latest news letter. When I hear the false claim that female athletes are not paid enough, I often think of the WNBA players. I think of the Golden State power forward Draymond Green and his response to the nonsense of the WNBA pay. Draymond did not respond as the lady ball payers expected. He was very passionate about the need for the NBA to stop subsidizing the WNBA.

On a more general subject, I must thank you for your writing. Growing up in the 80s, I noticed all the exclusive for women programs and scholarships. I spoke about it to my family. My family are all sons, except mom of course. I was treated like I was crazy. These days they call this gas lighting. I made sure my daughters understood that if they wanted the things their brothers earned, then they must work as hard as their brothers.

Thank you, Dr Nuzzo!!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences, Daniel.

Stay tuned, as I have many more essays on sex/gender issues in the queue.

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As to: "A third way that feminists ..."

You are way to honest. Feminists will simply only show the male date and that shows men discriminate against women because they watch less women sports.

No need to give data about women; that only complicates matters.

Keep up the good job.

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Well played! In this case the truth needs no prop. Thanks Jim!

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