The statistics omit abortions of around 90k p.a. Evidently the least safe place to be is in the womb. Women are hypocrites to complain about violence against women while ignoring the violence perpetrated against unborn children.
It reminded me of a great content creator that analyses data for a living and produced some very good, entertaining, and informative videos.
He did homicide rates from Australia, that a group of professional women were protesting some think like 65 women killed by men, husbands, lovers, and so VagFeelies upset and so gov ready to steal more men's and family earnings and pass laws that it's a double-decker crime to kill women [men okay, I guess], and then he breaks down the real chances of being killed by a man or struck by lightning, and a number of ways to die.
He finds that a woman is 8 times more likely to be killed by their mother (once born) then to be killed by a man!
He's got some thought-provoking points and perspectives.
Interestingly we see the same/similar shifting of focus on numbers when one compares the Nazi War whereby X million people died, from all walks of life; and yet the Soviet Union and the communists sent many more millions to their deaths and yet this is hardly ever mentioned and in some cases Socialism / Communism is praised despite millions being sent to their deaths through starvation, murder, The Gulags... etc..
I remember always thinking that the Soviet Union was communist and yet they were known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Not one word of Communism in the name. I only realised this when reading a book about Socialism and Capitalism... and the author made this point.
So it seems us humans have quite a thing going on to focus on X when H is happening and when it suits us....
I find it interesting that the focus is on Violence when many more people are being murdered.
Only lately, I posted this elsewhere, did I feel completely violated in a Gay group by two lesbians. Maybe next time stats are brought up I should say: plus one more. Me. I was attacked verbally in a group chat.. does this count as violence!!! against a Man... !!!
The statistics omit abortions of around 90k p.a. Evidently the least safe place to be is in the womb. Women are hypocrites to complain about violence against women while ignoring the violence perpetrated against unborn children.
Thank you for this info.
It reminded me of a great content creator that analyses data for a living and produced some very good, entertaining, and informative videos.
He did homicide rates from Australia, that a group of professional women were protesting some think like 65 women killed by men, husbands, lovers, and so VagFeelies upset and so gov ready to steal more men's and family earnings and pass laws that it's a double-decker crime to kill women [men okay, I guess], and then he breaks down the real chances of being killed by a man or struck by lightning, and a number of ways to die.
He finds that a woman is 8 times more likely to be killed by their mother (once born) then to be killed by a man!
He's got some thought-provoking points and perspectives.
"The Matrix Behind The Matrix"
by Colttaine
God Bless., Steve
Interestingly we see the same/similar shifting of focus on numbers when one compares the Nazi War whereby X million people died, from all walks of life; and yet the Soviet Union and the communists sent many more millions to their deaths and yet this is hardly ever mentioned and in some cases Socialism / Communism is praised despite millions being sent to their deaths through starvation, murder, The Gulags... etc..
I remember always thinking that the Soviet Union was communist and yet they were known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Not one word of Communism in the name. I only realised this when reading a book about Socialism and Capitalism... and the author made this point.
So it seems us humans have quite a thing going on to focus on X when H is happening and when it suits us....
I find it interesting that the focus is on Violence when many more people are being murdered.
Only lately, I posted this elsewhere, did I feel completely violated in a Gay group by two lesbians. Maybe next time stats are brought up I should say: plus one more. Me. I was attacked verbally in a group chat.. does this count as violence!!! against a Man... !!!
I already know what the main reaction will be..
What interesting times we live in..