Dear subscribers and followers of The Nuzzo Letter,
I hope that 2024 was everything that you wanted it to be and that 2025 will be even more.
With the year coming to an end, I wanted to provide an update on The Nuzzo Letter.
I started The Nuzzo Letter in April of 2023, which makes 2024 the first full calendar year that The Nuzzo Letter was publishing content. Throughout the year, The Nuzzo Letter experienced steady growth in followers and subscribers. I hope for accelerated growth in 2025.
Currently, The Nuzzo Letter publishes three different article types: Graph of the Week, Weekly Roundup, and hybrid essays/podcasts. In 2024, The Nuzzo Letter published 23 Graphs of the Week (archived here), 52 Weekly Roundups (archived here), and over 20 essays and podcasts (archived here). The year started with pieces on the feminisation of the Australian Football League and a presentation of our letter on creating a White House Coalition on Boys and Men. The year ended with election-relevant pieces about sex differences in voting, Ayn Rand’s view of a woman president, and how gamma bias likely underlies the strange reaction to the murder of Brian Thompson.
The most frequently downloaded podcasts and viewed posts in 2024 were:
In 2024, The Nuzzo Letter also saw action elsewhere on Substack, including several interviews and a guest essay at Reality’s Last Stand on the biological origins of childhood sex differences in physical fitness. The interviews, listed below and archived here, included appearances on the Bettina Arndt channel, Psychobabble, Men are Good, Dr Joe Unplugged, Mostly Man Things, and the Victor Dalziel Show:
Go Fund Me Campaign to Support Research on Sex Differences
In 2024, The Nuzzo Letter played a key role in crowdfunding for my research on childhood sex differences in physical fitness. For an explanation of why I decided to conduct this research and use crowdfunding to support it, please see my previous post and interview at Men are Good.
In this project, I conducted three different meta-analyses and wrote three separate academic research papers, one on childhood sex differences in grip strength, a second on flexibility, and a third on strength of various other muscles of the body. All three papers are currently undergoing peer review at academic journals.
Thus far, the Go Fund Me for this research has generated over $1,500 in donations. This funding campaign will remain open until all three papers cross the finish line and are published online. Donations are still very much welcome, as additional time and labour will be required to address the revisions requested from the peer reviewers. Thank you for your support!
What’s the Plan for 2025?
In 2025, The Nuzzo Letter plans to continue to publish new and interesting content on topics related to academia, men’s health, exercise science, and romantic realism in movies. My overarching aim will continue to be to provide followers and subscribers with data, facts, and logical arguments related to these topics, which can then be contemplated and shared with others.
Your support in helping The Nuzzo Letter continue to grow in 2025 will be greatly appreciated. Here are some ways that you can help:
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Another way to support The Nuzzo Letter is by making a financial contribution via Donorbox. Donorbox makes donating easy. In two simple steps, a one-time or recurring (monthly) donation can be made using ApplePay, PayPal, or another service.
Your support in the fight against the enemies of reason is greatly appreciated!
James L. Nuzzo, PhD
Founder, The Nuzzo Letter
James, thanks for your work. You are a role-model intellectual to me.